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South America

Puma Punku, Bolivia

The Gigantic wall of Paraiba, Brazil

Pyramids of Paratoari, Peru

Saksaywaman, Peru

Ollantaytambo, Peru

La Mana, Ecuador

Newborn baby elongated skull of Pracas, Peru

Manuscript 512, city with Ptolomaic greek writings, Brazil

El Enladrillado, Chile

Pucara del Uritorco, Argentina

Cullpa Towers, Peru

El Fuerte de Samaipata, Bolivia

Rock cut Niches, Tunnels, Lavyrings, Peru

Peruvian skulls, Peru

“The Eye” Rotating Island, Argentina

Geoglyphs of Amazonia, Brazil

Paleo Burrows, Brazil

Inga’s Stone, Brazil

Tribes of Giants of the Amazon Jungle, Brazil

Ahu Vinapu Easter Island Megalithic Platforms, Chile

Easter Island Statues, Chile

Banos del Inca, Ecuador

Davasko, Argentina

Tihuanacu Area Tool marks, Bolivia

Sayhuite, Peru

Quenuani, Peru

The Otuzco Windows, Peru

The Tunjo Ancient Stones, Columbia

Dolmens, Brazil

Stone spheres, Chile

Huaca del sol, Peru

Chan Chan, Peru

Vilcabamba, Peru

Ingapirca, Ecuador

Lake Titicaca Underwater Ruins, Bolivia

Yayno, Peru

Morey, Peru

La Paz and Lake Titicaca skulls, Bolivia

Skulls of Iquique, Chile

Patagonia skull, Argentina

The Souza tracks, Brazil

Marcahuasi, Peru

Fuerte San Miguel, Uruguay

Band of holes, Peru

Qoricancha, Peru

Rapa Iti, Chile

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